Kubernetes 博客

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Kubernetes Docs Updates, International Edition

Author: Zach Corleissen (Linux Foundation)

As a co-chair of SIG Docs, I’m excited to share that Kubernetes docs have a fully mature workflow for localization (l10n).

Abbreviations galore

L10n is an abbreviation for localization.

I18n is an abbreviation for internationalization.

I18n is what you do to make l10n easier. L10n is a fuller, more comprehensive process than translation (t9n).

Why localization matters

The goal of SIG Docs is to make Kubernetes easier to use for as many people as possible.

One year ago, we looked at whether it was possible to host the output of a Chinese team working independently to translate the Kubernetes docs. After many conversations (including experts on OpenStack l10n), much transformation, and renewed commitment to easier localization, we realized that open source documentation is, like open source software, an ongoing exercise at the edges of what’s possible.

Consolidating workflows, language labels, and team-level ownership may seem like simple improvements, but these features make l10n scalable for increasing numbers of l10n teams. While SIG Docs continues to iterate improvements, we’ve paid off a significant amount of technical debt and streamlined l10n in a single workflow. That’s great for the future as well as the present.

Consolidated workflow

Localization is now consolidated in the kubernetes/website repository. We’ve configured the Kubernetes CI/CD system, Prow, to handle automatic language label assignment as well as team-level PR review and approval.

Language labels

Prow automatically applies language labels based on file path. Thanks to SIG Docs contributor June Yi, folks can also manually assign language labels in pull request (PR) comments. For example, when left as a comment on an issue or PR, this command assigns the label language/ko (Korean).

/language ko

These repo labels let reviewers filter for PRs and issues by language. For example, you can now filter the k/website dashboard for PRs with Chinese content.

Team review

L10n teams can now review and approve their own PRs. For example, review and approval permissions for English are assigned in an OWNERS file in the top subfolder for English content.

Adding OWNERS files to subdirectories lets localization teams review and approve changes without requiring a rubber stamp approval from reviewers who may lack fluency.

What’s next

We’re looking forward to the doc sprint in Shanghai to serve as a resource for the Chinese l10n team.

We’re excited to continue supporting the Japanese and Korean l10n teams, who are making excellent progress.

If you’re interested in localizing Kubernetes for your own language or region, check out our guide to localizing Kubernetes docs and reach out to a SIG Docs chair for support.

Get involved with SIG Docs

If you’re interested in Kubernetes documentation, come to a SIG Docs weekly meeting, or join #sig-docs in Kubernetes Slack.


Kubernetes 1 11:向 discuss kubernetes 问好

作者: Jorge Castro (Heptio)

就一个超过 35,000 人的全球性社区而言,参与其中时沟通是非常关键的。 跟踪 Kubernetes 社区中的所有内容可能是一项艰巨的任务。 一方面,我们有官方资源,如 Stack Overflow,GitHub 和邮件列表,另一方面,我们有更多瞬时性的资源,如 Slack,你可以加入进去、与某人聊天然后各走各路。

Slack 非常适合随意和及时的对话,并与其他社区成员保持联系,但未来很难轻易引用通信。此外,在35,000名参与者中提问并得到回答很难。邮件列表在有问题尝试联系特定人群并且想要跟踪大家的回应时非常有用,但是对于大量人员来说可能是麻烦的。 Stack Overflow 和 GitHub 非常适合在涉及代码的项目或问题上进行协作,并且如果在将来要进行搜索也很有用,但某些主题如“你最喜欢的 CI/CD 工具是什么”或“Kubectl提示和技巧“在那里是没有意义的。

虽然我们目前的各种沟通渠道对他们自己来说都很有价值,但我们发现电子邮件和实时聊天之间仍然存在差距。在网络的其他部分,许多其他开源项目,如 Docker、Mozilla、Swift、Ghost 和 Chef,已经成功地在Discourse之上构建社区,一个开放的讨论平台。那么,如果我们可以使用这个工具将我们的讨论结合在一个平台下,使用开放的API,或许也不会让我们的大部分信息消失在网络中呢?只有一种方法可以找到:欢迎来到discuss.kubernetes.io


生态系统合作伙伴和开发人员现在有一个地方可以宣布项目,他们正在为用户工作,而不会想知道它是否会在官方列表中脱离主题。我们可以让这个地方不仅仅是关于核心 Kubernetes,而是关于我们社区正在建设的数百个精彩工具。

这个新的社区论坛为人们提供了一个可以讨论 Kubernetes 的地方,也是开发人员在 Kubernetes 周围发布事件的声音板,同时可以搜索并且更容易被更广泛的用户访问。

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